Sunday, May 8, 2011

A budding writer and photographer gets mentored by one of the best

I developed my photography skills more than my writing skills between 1970 and 1974. I returned to the 101st Airborne Disivion. Got assigned to the 2/17th Cav there and offered my writing and photography skills to the them. I became their Squadron Public Information Officer.

Working interactively with the Division Public Affairs Office, I met John AG Klose and an Sergeant by the name of Charles "Chuck" Drake. Chuck was an extremely gifted and talented young man who was willing to work with me on my writing. With his help and with Col Burnett R.Sanders approval and Col John AG Klose's
enthusiasm I managed to average a story and a picture in the Fort Campbell Courier. There were also times when 10 of my images were used over a two page spread -- known as a double truck -- and published in more than one newspaper.

Not only did the military paper use the images, so did the Clarksville Leaf Chronicle and the Hopkinsville New Era.

In 1975, I re-enlisted and received orders to head to Germany. But not before we had a new Squadron Commander: Gary E. Luck

I was published in:

Army Times
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle
Fort Campbell Courier
Hopkinsville New Era

I photographed:

The Honorable Bo Calloway
The Honorable Harold Jones
MG Sidney Berry
MG John W. McEnery
BG John N. Brandenburg
COL Jack V. Mackmull
COL Charles W. Bagnal
LTC Teddy G. Allen
LTC Gary E. Luck

Along with a ton of other folks from privates up. For me and my boss, the focus was on the enlisted and how they made the Squadron work. The bottom line here is around 50 images were published.

I received another Army Acommodation Medal ARCOM and a Commander's Certificate for my efforts.

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